Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today offically makes 2 months that he has been gone.  I know its just a TDY and that deployments are so much longer, but having just moved here and not been able to spend much time with him before he left, makes this time he is gone so much harder.  Im very blessed that I have a job and have women nearby that I can talk to cause they understand.  But it doesn't help how hard it can be to have a new relationship long distance.  I have to say though that he is amazing!!  Im not always the easiest person to be in a relationship with.  But he has taken the time to get to know me, and still loves me.  And he can make me laugh when Im mad, he can bring me out of bad mood, make me smile even when Im crying, he somehow understands all of me and still stands calmly by to support me and tell me he loves me.

I didn't really think men like him existed!  I really didn't mean to find him, nor was out looking for a relationship at all when we started talking.  I had just gotten out of a bad relationship and was out working on finding a way to start my life over, and to try and believe in myself again.  I was going through the hardest part of my life...trying to pick up pieces.  I hadn't really given up on love or relationships, I just wasn't looking, because I knew I still needed to heal.  And here comes this guy I knew in High School sending me messages on Facebook, just talking.  It was nice to reconnect with someone, especially a guy I had a crush on in Grade School...hehe.   But talking with him was fun and nice to have a friend.  Somehow it quickly turned into something more, and Im not sure how it really happened,
As of right now I have about 45 days till I get to see my man again, and it has not been easy!  But on the bright side I've been spending most of my free time at the beach.  Mornings are my favorite time of day, waking up and photographing the sunset on the beach is probably the single most amazing past time, right next to finding awesome shells at the beach, which I have also been doing.  Some how recently amazingly beautiful and unique shells have been making their way on our beaches and I have loved every min of it.  Though my boyfriend may not like it cause at this point we have soo many shells and not enough space for all of them.  But thankfully Im crafty and will figure something out. 

I went out yesturday moring on our beautiful Flordia Gulf Coast Beaches, and was simply in awe of how blessed I am.  Heading out before the sun came up in a pair of cut of shorts and a hoodie....simply an amazing morning!!  But we have had the prettiest baby conch shells rolling up on the beaches, and its exciting to me to try to find them.  Although with the shells some how also came these ridicuolus biting flies, oh I was a champ, but paid for it trying to sleep last night.  But I will be prepared this morning, going to pick up bug spray on my way to the beach today.  Even gonna bring a pair of pants just in case!!!

I haven't done to much in the way of what is on my Bucket list, but that will be revisited today!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day on the Water

   So I have to sayin getting out of the house and doing something amazingly fun with great friends did tons to lift my mood.  I went fishing out in the Gulf with some great friends yesterday, caught lots of fish, got some sun, took lots of pictures, had lots of laughs and got stuck in a nasty storm.  But it was a blast and I was exhausted by the time I got home!!!  So blessed to have amazing people in my life, and to be surrounded by people who understand what its like to be here alone.  I may only be a girlfriend (for now ;-) ) but many ppl look down on that, its ok with me, like I said I'm Blessed.  I have the man of my dreams, surrounded by friends who know how much I mean to him, and they treat me as part of their family. I couldn't ask for more...aside for him to be home.

 I started my "Bucket List" for while he is gone and this is all I have so far.  As of today I have about 61 days (hehe i know I say 'about' and give an exact number....nobody is keeping track here!!...though knowing the Military it could always change...).  So I was thinking about having 40 things on my bucket list.  I am starting my last class in a few days to finish up my Bachelors, so I will stay busy with that, but I figure if I give myself enough things to do, even if they are small I'll be able to stay busy.  So I only have a few so far and I'll add to it as the week goes on....

TDY Bucket List:
1) Learn to Cook Healthy Meals
2) Try new baking recipes
3) Get back into my Photography
4) Workout every week....(doin good so far)
5) Take puppies for a hike
6) Refurbish a piece of furniture
7) Organize closet....(lived here two months and seriously haven't completely unpacked)
8) Get craft desk...set up temporary craft space
9) Start the veggie garden
10) Plant flowers out front
11) Master this complicated edger he has that hates me!!
12) Keep up with this blog...lol
13) Plan a beach day with girlfriends
14) Re-do entryway
15) Set up my own photo-shoot
16) Wash the vehicles
17) Deep clean the house
18) Pick out new sheets
19) Buy the Mirror for the bathroom that I have been wanting
20) Plan a date night with the girls

Any suggestions would be awesome!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Im new to this so hang in there with me!!

Hey there friends,

   I've never had a blog before, so I have no idea what I am doing.  So hang in there while I figure this out.  I've decided to start this blog because I need to find a way to stay busy as my Man is TDY.  He is gone till sometime in October, I'm just getting it in my head that he is gone till the end of October, so I'm surprised if he comes home early.  I recently moved to the area he is currently stationed from Key West Florida, and just started a new job.  I have met some amazing wives from my Man's unit whom I know I can lean on if I need, its just hard to get together cause my hours at work are a little crazy.  I've been finding that I'm getting a little down with him being gone, and need to do something to get excited about and kill some time.

  I've been getting up early every morning before work to do Insanity, then walk the dogs and get ready for work.  But outside of that even on my days off I can't seem to want to do more than just clean the house.  I get so lonely missing him, and frustrated being here alone, so I've decided to make a decision to change all that.  He doesn't want me sitting around unhappy, and that's just not really in my nature.  I'm a huge pinner, diy'er, crafter, photographer...etc.  I've been seeing all these bucket lists for different things and I got the idea to create my own bucket list to help me get through the next two months.  Its ok to miss him, but I'm not the type of girl to let it consume her...so Im gonna work creative ways to keep myself busy.

  I know many other women have given great tips that work for them, Im gonna do a little research and work to compile my own list of things to do while he is gone.  I'll work on it and share it with you on here.  And then I'll share as I complete each of the items of my list.  Im actually excited about it, and besides Im just OCD enough that creating a list will cause me to want to cross all of my items off of it.  So hope you will join me on my journey to make through this short period of time till he comes home.

Thanks for reading and feel free to reach out to me and give me your thoughts and advice